IETF 120 Vancouver and LOCALHOST

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The Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) are having their next meeting, IETF 120, in Vancouver. We've added it to the Calendar as an external event. They are on track for 1000+ in-person attendees, with about the same in online attendees.

IETF 120 starts Saturday 20 July and runs through Friday afternoon, 26 July.

Main page and registration: Wiki:

An introduction to IETF meetings provides an overview of how to prepare for and get the most out of sessions all week.

Sunday 21 July will likely feature a social at The Hyatt for IETF attendees.

Hackathon / Codesprint

Saturday and Sunday July 20-21 are the hackathon days, and open to the public. You can find information on what is being hacked on at the link below. Submit your own project ideas using the template (it does not have to be an IETF standard):

Learn more about how the hackathon works: IETF Hackathon

Saturday July 20 will also be the IETF Codesprint


These are events we know are taking place at this time in the city, whether or not they are intentionally part of this week:

VIVO Media Arts is excited to announce that on July 20th, 2024, we will celebrate our 50th Anniversary! Currently celebrating its 50th year, VIVO is an essential element in the urban fabric, where pathways intersect to uplift talent, innovation, empathy, and dialogue across local communities and economies. VIVO was founded as Satellite Video Exchange Society by artists who dreamt of a worldwide exchange network before the Internet existed, and it has continued to build and expand that network over the past 50 years

Our Networks has always been an effort to bridge arts, media, research and tech around the same topic - networking.

What does collaboration and presence look like when a network is optional? What connections are possible when we leave our data at the door and spend a day on local networks? What new metaphors will help us create spaces for meaningful and different relations partially online?

This year we are planning a single-day event with invited speakers and workshop hosts in Vancouver, British Columbia. We will leave open space in the schedule for emergent discussions, conversations, and activities by attendees.

Ideas: Potential Side Events

  • The Bluesky team is coming to town, so there may be specific Bluesky related hacking and presentations.
  • Talking about putting together one big evening social at The Permanent. May or may not have lightning talks or demos, or just purely be a social. Likely Wednesday 24th or Thursday 25th
  • Screening of Machines in Flames and Ninth Floor
  • discussion/panel about ontologies and semantic web standards
    • potential speakers: Kenneth, Paul d'Aoust


HOFFNUNG 3000 asks: How do we organize ourselves in our social, artistic & theoretical communities? HOFFNUNG 3000 is not simply a festival but more of a process of organizing a festival, a festival that creates itself. Through each and every participant.


Interested in helping organize some events / participate in some IETF stuff? Add your name here:
