Websim LOCALHOST Hack Day Sponsor
The Websim team is coming to join us in person at LOCALHOST Hack Day as well as supporting us with a sponsorship.

Thank you to the Websim team for sponsoring LOCALHOST Hack Day! The Websim team will be here in person in Vancouver to help attendees explore this very interesting tool.
Create and discover worlds with WebSim, the browser for our imagination.
Websim is a great example of a tool that is much more than just tech. You explore, simulate, and iterate – and are often surprised – by text, art, music, design, and even applications that are simulated as you surf. You don't need to be a techie or a software developer, you can just explore.
We've included some resources below to get you started, and the team will be sharing more resources ahead of the event, as well as an intro and Q&A with the team.
Register to join us at LOCALHOST Hack Day to meet Rob, Sean, and Neal from the Websim team and spend time learning together:
Websim, an Internet Simulation
You can start by describing your "dream website" and see it be simulated, or type in web addresses to see what's there.

Follow this video and the guides below to dig deeper.
🧵 New Feature - Context composition.
— websim (@websim_ai) July 4, 2024
In our first example, we look at @RobertHaisfield's Lunar Lander, and combine it with some of his Dracula-inspired pieces. After that, Rob continues by introducing a Yahoo! themed page into context.https://t.co/Fx6nvuaHY4 pic.twitter.com/uUx2baltPI
Websim Guides
Beginners Guide

Intermediate Guide

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