DWeb Camp 2024 Vancouver Cohort

From DWeb Vancouver

Revision as of 16:53, 11 April 2024 by Ivar (talk | contribs) (→‎Planning to Attend: adding call for carpool and adding my name to Maybe list of attendees.)

Whoever is interested in attending DWeb Camp 2024, we can plan to travel together as a dwebyvr cohort.

This may include planning workshops or lightning talks specifically about what is taking place in Vancouver and the surrounding area, planning travel logistics to reduce costs, putting together a team of volunteers, and so on.

Group Travel Ideas

  • carpool - Camp Navarro is a ~16hr drive from YVR so it could be fun and cost effective to carpool. If this at all appeals to you, please include your name here and, if there's enough interest by end of May (enough time to make real plans, but also enough time to book flights if carpooling doesn't look it'll work) we'll have a check in to see if it's worth organizing.
    • Interested in carpooling
      • Ivar


Fill out the planning survey

Planning to Attend


  • Wesley
