
From DWeb Vancouver

Revision as of 07:14, 28 November 2023 by EmilyM (talk | contribs)

November 28, 2023

Pages ported from old site to MediaWiki.

November 27th, 2023

Added Emily as an Administrator

November 26th, 2023

Got feedback from Rithika that yes, we should go for it in making this the main website

Added `$wgRestrictDisplayTitle = false;` to settings

  • This lets you add friendly display names to pages by adding DISPLAYTITLE: Friendly Page Title in curly brackets to the top of pages

Trying to embed the Luma Calendar into the front page as an iframe

Moved to

Edited MediaWiki:Sidebar

  • it controls the sidebar (and/or top links in other themes)
  • removed the MediaWiki help and Random page links
  • added the Calendar and All pages links
  • renamed Main page to Home

November 4th, 2023

Installed on for testing

Cloudron MediaWiki Docs

Setup for local Mediawiki accounts. People need to create an account and confirm email in order to edit pages.

Enabled the VisualEditor in LocalSettings wfLoadExtension( 'VisualEditor' );

Changed the name of the wiki in LocalSettings: $wgSitename = 'DWeb Vancouver';

Installed all the MediaWiki Wordpress Themes

  • Connected into the Cloudron Terminal
  • Changed to /app/data/skins
  • git clone
  • ln -s MediaWikiWordpressThemes/* .
  • Set Fairy to default in LocalSettings $wgDefaultSkin = 'Fairy';

Set timezone to Vancouver $wgLocaltimezone = 'America/Vancouver';


The source for the original website is in Github

Implemented by Jacky Zhao on February 11th, 2023.

This is a Hugo powered website, built using Quartz and designed to be managed with Obsidian.

From the features of that template, wikilinks -- double square brackets around words -- can be used to easily link between notes, and show backlnks -- which notes link to each other -- in the sidebar.

This site is built and hosted using Github. For every commit, a Github Action runs and builds the HTML version of the site, and then publishes to Github Pages.

The domain is hosted on Google Domains.