Welcoming the Internet Engineering Task Force to Vancouver
An opportunity for Vancouver locals to learn about the internet standards-making process of the IETF

Founded in 1986, the Internet Engineering Task Force (IETF) is one of the oldest organizations in the pluriverse of technical orgs, standards orgs, legal bodies, academic institutions, and nation states to engage in internet governance.
From July 20th to 26th the IETF will be in Vancouver for one of their annual meetings.

This is a unique opportunity to learn how RFCs are written, to engage with the global Internet standards community, and to meet more than 1,000 leading technologists from around the world currently working in industry, academia, and other organizations.
With more than 100 working sessions, a number of which may be of particular interest to networking researchers and students, and various informal networking opportunities, the IETF 120 meeting program includes:
- A hands-on weekend IETF Hackathon where protocol experts, developers, and network operators discuss and collaborate to develop utilities, ideas, sample code, and solutions that show practical implementations of IETF RFCs;
- Internet Research Task Force (IRTF) meetings focussed on research topics such as computation in the network, congestion control, network measurement, privacy, and human rights; and
- A number of sessions covering discussions and new proposals accessible to a broad range of Internet technologists, whether they are new to the IETF or long-time participants.
Full details and links to registration, agenda, and more are available at: https://www.ietf.org/meeting/120/
A Personal Note
I'm Chad Kohalyk, one of the organizers of LOCALHOST Vancouver. I will be moving back to Vancouver from Japan just in time for the IETF meeting which I will be attending. While in Japan I went to the Internet Governance Forum, a UN-mandated organization for policy dialogue on internet governance issues (you can read some of my writing about that experience here). I've had a longtime interest in governance, but have finally become involved with things like the IGF and IETF in the past year. If you are attending IETF120, or coming to a LOCALHOST event, let's connect! If you are interested in keeping up on tech policy, check out another project of mine: Mutually Assured Education, a Lemmy community for sharing important tech policy papers. Find out more on my personal website: https://micro.chadkohalyk.com/about-me/
๐ ๐ป LOCALHOST Vancouver is an independently organized community event series coinciding with the IETF120 meetings. View the calendar for the full list of events for the week ยป
Of special note, a reminder that the July 20th & 21st IETF weekend hackathon is free to attend. We are also hoping to include some IETF speakers at a Thursday social to learn more about the organization in person.
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