Bluesky LOCALHOST Sponsor
Announcing Bluesky as a LOCALHOST sponsor.

Thank you to the team at Bluesky for sponsoring LOCALHOST! We love open protocols and being able to build the web we want, so we appreciate their hackathon sponsorship. LOCALHOST is a volunteer run event and sponsorship helps us cover costs around venues and food for socials and hack days.
Bryan Newbold from the Bluesky team will be attending IETF, especially focused on identity and OAuth related content. Some of the things he is thinking about working on:
OAuth support has started to get merged in our backend personal data server (PDS), and we have some little demo/example apps. We should be able to do demos and development in the production network. I'll probably be hacking on SDK support and testing for more languages and side-projects. There are some other fun hack projects with DID PLC, like doing read-replicas, or bolting on Certificate Transparency. There are also a bunch of little apps-on-atproto projects I'm dying to prototype, and little dev tool ideas. Maybe some of those other ideas can spill over the week and to the following weekend hack event.
Bryan will also be joining us for a public presentation on Bluesky and ATProtocol So Far as part of the LOCALHOST Social on Thursday July 25th. Earlybird tickets are still available until July 7th.
About Bluesky
Bluesky is a social app that is designed to not be controlled by a single company.
We want modern social media and public conversation online to work more like the early days of the web, when anyone could put up a blog or use RSS to subscribe to several blogs. We believe this will unlock a new era of experimentation and innovation in social media. Researchers and communities will have the ability to jump in to help solve the problems social networks currently face, and developers will be able to experiment with many new forms of interaction.

The AT Protocol
The AT Protocol is a protocol for public conversation and an open-source framework for building social apps, meaning people have transparency into how it is built and what is being developed. It creates a standard format for user identity, follows, and data on social apps, allowing apps to interoperate and users to move across them freely. It is a federated network with account portability.

The AT Protocol overview, documentation, and open specification
Join us for Hackathons and Socials
LOCALHOST Vancouver runs all week alongside the IETF. The week kicks off with the IETF Hackathon, has a social on Thursday, and ends off with Our Networks and DWeb Vancouver Hack Day. Check the schedule and join us »
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