
Connecting people, projects and protocols to build a decentralized web

The DWeb Community is an initiative guided by the Internet Archive. This site is the home of the Vancouver BC regional DWeb Node. We believe in the DWeb Principles:

Technology for Human Agency
Distributed Benefits
Mutual Respect
Ecological Awareness

Read more on the DWeb website »

DWeb Nodes are for establishing a local hub for conversations and networking around DWeb projects. They serve to educate, share knowledge, and connect people of diverse backgrounds interested in building a better web. You can browse the other regional nodes on the DWeb website.

The DWeb Vancouver node's current focus is booting up DWeb activities in and around Vancouver, British Columbia, including connecting with other folks in the Cascadia bioregion. We do this by managing a Community Calendar on Lu.ma and hosting invigorating community activities around town.

This is a volunteer initiative which collaborates on a variety of projects. We welcome additional people, protocols, and projects to get involved and organize more events and activities as we build shared platforms.


All are welcome!